QRS.BIN.MAP(x, binkey, binvalue, [option name], [option value], …)
- x[any]
- Vector containing the values of the variable to be binned.
- binkey[any]
- Vector containing the binning keys. Numbers are intrepreted as lower bounds for numerical values. Strings are interpreted as lookups or regular expressions for text values. See the Remarks section for details.
- binvalue[any]
- Vector containing the values of the bins.
- option name/valueoptional
- The name or value of an option. See the Options section for details.
- EXC: TRUE to define numerical bins using exclusive (keyn < x ≤ keyn+1) rather than inclusive (keyn ≤ x < keyn+1) lower bounds.
- Blank cells are read as zeros and dates are read as numbers due to Excel limitations.
- The length of binkey must be the same as the length of binvalue.
- Strings in binkey that match regular expression literals in JavaScript syntax are interpreted as regular expressions for text values.
- Strings in binkey that match "-Infinity" in lower, upper, or mixed case are interpreted as the lower bound of negative infinity for numerical values.
- Text values are binned using the first matching key in binkey.
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